
The Essence of the Initiative

The Essence of the Initiative

Learn to keep the initiative and win games!

Are you confident handling the initiative? In this course, I will present to you positions where you have to either correctly handle or maintain the initiative or defend against it. There will also be situations where you have to decide if a speculative sacrifice promises a powerful enough initiative to ensure full compensation. Start using the initiative to win games today!

Here is what you will learn:

  • Carry out brilliant attacks!
  • Calculate mating tactics!
  • Familiarize yourself with attacking motifs!

Seize the Initiative

How can black decisively act and seize the initiative?
4 udfordringer


White is up a pawn, but White's position is very loose and the king looks slightly exposed. How would you continue?
1 udfordring

Endgame Initiative

Black seems to have the initiative and the upper hand in this highly unbalanced endgame. How would you continue?
3 udfordringer

Opposite-Side Castling

In this opposite side castling scenario, both kings may end up walking the tightrope. How can black seize the initiative?
3 udfordringer

Pawn Tension

In this one, the tension has been maintained for a few moves, and both sides must decide whether they want to keep it or release it.
3 udfordringer

Fighting Back

Black is down a pawn but is ahead in development in a queenless middlegame.
2 udfordringer

Diffusion 2

At this point, white has just instantly dropped down Bxf7+, pitching a piece as well as the 2 pawns from the previous 2 moves.
4 udfordringer

Breaking it Apart

In a normal Bayonet type position of the King's Indian attack, Ivanchuk erred. Try to emulate Kramnik's play.
1 udfordring

Take it While You Can

Black recently played f5, initiating the trade of the e-pawn for the f-pawn. Is this a promising trade for him?
1 udfordring

Fighting Back II

White's center is coming under enormous pressure and the black bishops are springing into action.
3 udfordringer

Some Trickery

White seems to have some advantage but no way of pursuing it further
1 udfordring

Rauzer Attacks

In a seemingly normal Rauzer position, something is out of place.
5 udfordringer

The Archangel Lives!

White seems to have repulsed all immediate danger in an Archangel and remains up a pawn. Is Black in trouble or is this an illusion?
2 udfordringer

A tense encounter

Both sides have their obvious trumps in a very complicated middlegame, and both kings are safe for the moment but at any point could be in dire straits.
3 udfordringer

A sharp Benoni

In an all-important last round game, the struggle seems to have gone black's way so far.
1 udfordring

A tense moment

In a scheveningen structure, a very tense battle is about to begin.
1 udfordring


White has sacrificed a piece to develop a powerful initiative.
2 udfordringer


Black has the bishop pair, an extra pawn, and White's queen is very passively placed. The situation seems grim- try to create chances for the first player.
4 udfordringer

Increasing the Pressure

White seems to have a pleasant position, suggest a way to further develop his initiative.
1 udfordring

The granddaddy

If you like throwing triple and quadruple piece sacs and hanging everything to go for the king, this one is for you :). It is also the hardest problem in the course.
5 udfordringer

The Essence of the Initiative

20 lektioner
Ingen video
50 udfordringer
Offentliggjort den 8/1/2009