
Play Like Levy Rozman

Play Like Levy Rozman

Can you play like the internet's greatest chess teacher?

Levy Rozman, AKA Gothamchess, is the most popular online chess teacher in the world! He's currently retired from classical chess, but a monster at blitz. Find the moves from some of his best attacking games!

  • How did Levy take down GM Hikaru Nakamura?
  • Find some of Levy's best-ever sacrifices!
  • Catch strong opponents in tricky Trompowsky traps.

Nakamura - Rozman: Play Like Levy Rozman

Hikaru Nakamura, might be the best blitz player in the world, but in this game, Levy took the initiative early and scored a brilliant victory!
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Rozman - Golubev: Play Like Levy Rozman

Against GM Mikhail Golubev, Levy played what he's described as one of his best ever queen sacrifices. See if you can find his amazing attacking ideas.
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Rozman - Rensch: Play Like Levy Rozman

Levy recently played an exciting blitz match against IM and Chess.com Chief Chess Officer, Danny Rensch. See if you can find the moves in the decisive game.
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Rozman - Danielian: Play Like Levy Rozman

How can you defeat a grandmaster in just 14 moves? Figure out Levy's powerful gambit play against GM Elina Danielian.
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Rozman - Mogranzini: Play Like Levy Rozman

How did Levy pull off a pawn storm in front of his own king? Check out this attacking gem against GM Roberto Mogranzini.
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Play Like Levy Rozman

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5 lliçons
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5 reptes
Data de publicació December 5, 2022