
Every Pawn Structure Explained

Every Pawn Structure Explained

Now complete with 30 essential pawn structures!

GM Johan Hellsten explains every important pawn structure from the quiet Exchange Slav structure to the sharpest Sicilian. 

  • Learn the plans for both sides in every key pawn structure.
  • Learn common tactics stemming from each structure.
  • Learn thematic opening ideas.

What's your favorite pawn structure? Let us know in the comments.

The Isolated d-Pawn: Every Pawn Structure Explained

The isolated d-pawn might be the most famous structural imbalance in all of chess. GM Johan Hellsten explains the key ideas for both sides.
21 minuta
5 izazova

Hanging Pawns: Every Pawn Structure Explained

Hanging pawns, usually two pawns connected on the d- and c-files, are some of the trickiest structures to play. GM Johan Hellsten lets you know what to look for with or against the hanging pawns.
19 minuta
5 izazova

The Carlsbad: Every Pawn Structure Explained

The Queen's Gambit, The Caro-Kann, and even the London System can lead to the famous Carlsbad pawn structure. GM Johan Hellsten demonstrates the key plans and tactics.
20 minuta
5 izazova

The Semi-Tarrasch Structure: Every Pawn Structure Explained

In the Grunfeld and Semi-Tarrasch Defenses White often builds a big center and Black tries to undermine it. GM Johan Hellsten explains what both sides are aiming for.
20 minuta
5 izazova

The Open Catalan Structure: Every Pawn Structure Explained

The Catalan is one of the most popular openings at the top level today. GM Johan Hellsten demonstrates the key ideas for both sides in this tricky structure.
21 minuta
5 izazova

The Exchange Slav Structure: Every Pawn Structure Explained

The Exchange Slav has a reputation as a boring opening, but despite the symmetry, both sides have chances to play for a win. GM Johan Hellsten demonstrates the key ideas.
23 minuta
5 izazova

The Scheveningen Structure: Every Pawn Structure Explained

GM Johan Hellsten begins his overview of Sicilian structures with the Scheveningen, a favorite of Bobby Fischer and Garry Kasparov!
27 minuta
5 izazova

The Dragon Structure: Every Pawn Structure Explained

The Dragon structure often leads to sharp play in both the Sicilian and the English Opening. GM Johan Hellsten demonstrates the key plans and tactics for both sides.
25 minuta
5 izazova

The Maroczy Bind: Every Pawn Structure Explained

The Maroczy Bind allows one side to build a clamp on the center with the c- and e-pawns. However, there's still room for counterplay and the opponent won't always get squeezed to death. GM Johan Hellsten brings you the key ideas for both sides.
27 minuta
5 izazova

The Botvinnik Structure: Every Pawn Structure Explained

Mikhail Botvinnik was world champion several times and popularized a setup with pawns on c4, d3, and e4 or the reverse for Black. GM Johan Hellsten explains the key ideas in this popular structure.
23 minuta
5 izazova

The Sveshnikov Structure: Every Pawn Structure Explained

The Sveshnikov Variation of the Sicilian Defense used to be considered unplayable because Black accepts a risky-looking backward pawn. However, Black's dynamic chances usually offer great counterplay. GM Johan Hellsten brings the details.
22 minuta
5 izazova

The Hedgehog Structure: Every Pawn Structure Explained

The Hedgehog looks quiet, but it can unfurl a world of complications. GM Johan Hellsten explains.
23 minuta
5 izazova

The Advanced French Structure: Every Pawn Structure Explained

When White's pawn chain reaches from b2 to e5, it could lead to a kingside attack, but Black also can target the pawns and achieve counterplay. GM Johan Hellsten brings you the key ideas for both sides.
28 minuta
5 izazova

The Rossolimo Structures: Every Pawn Structure Explained

The Rossolimo Variation of the Sicilian has become the dominant Anti-Sicilian today. The same structure occurs frequently in the English Opening as well. GM Johan Hellsten explains the key ideas for both sides.
29 minuta
5 izazova

The Competing Majorities Structure: Every Pawn Structure Explained

In many openings, one side has more pawns on the kingside and the other has more on the queenside. GM Johan Hellsten demonstrates how to play these tricky positions.
23 minuta
5 izazova

The Closed Sicilian Structure: Every Pawn Structure Explained

The Closed Sicilian is a tricky weapon against the Sicilian Defense and frequently occurs with reversed colors in the English Opening. GM Johan Hellsten shows the key plans and tactics for both sides.
24 minuta
5 izazova

The c3 Scandinavian Structure: Every Pawn Structure Explained

In the Caro Kann or Scandinavian Defense White often fights for the center with the b2-d4 pawn chain. GM Johan Hellsten explains the plans for both sides in this important structure.
22 minuta
5 izazova

The c4 Scandinavian Structure: Every Pawn Structure Explained

When White plays aggressively in a Scandinavian structure, he or she places pawns on c4 and d4. White might be able to attack, but the center can also become vulnerable. GM Johan Hellsten shows you how to play.
31 minuta
5 izazova

The Scotch Structure: Every Pawn Structure Explained

When Black captures on d4 in the Scotch Game or Philidor Defense, White gets the bigger center and the responsibility to defend it. GM Johan Hellsten shows you how to play for either side.
29 minuta
5 izazova

Closed Spanish Structures: Every Pawn Structure Explained

The Closed Ruy Lopez (Spanish Opening) has been played many thousands of times between strong players. GM Johan Hellsten demonstrates the key ideas in this important structure.
35 minuta
5 izazova

The Exchange Spanish Structure: Every Pawn Structure Explained

How can White aim for a winning pawn structure right out of the opening? GM Johan Hellsten demonstrates the goals of the Exchange Spanish and how Black can fight back.
40 minuta
5 izazova

The Petroff Structure: Every Pawn Structure Explained

The Petroff is one of the most popular openings at the highest level. GM Johan Hellsten demonstrates the key ideas in this crucial structure.
31 minuta
5 izazova

The Pirc - Modern Structure: Every Pawn Structure Explained

What should each side try to do when Black plays a provocative hyper-modern opening? GM Johan Hellsten answers the key questions.
25 minuta
5 izazova

The Benoni Structure: Every Pawn Structure Explained

The Benoni Defense leads to one of the most imbalanced, complicated structures out of any opening. GM Johan Hellsten shows you the big ideas.
35 minuta
5 izazova

The Benko Structure: Every Pawn Structure Explained

The Benko Gambit offers a dangerous pawn sacrifice for long-term queenside pressure. GM Johan Hellsten demonstrates the key ideas for both sides in this unique structure.
36 minuta
5 izazova

The Nimzo Indian Structure: Every Pawn Structure Explained

In the Nimzo Indian Defense, Black often captures on c3 to inflict doubled pawns in exchange for the bishop pair. GM Johan Hellsten demonstrates the plans for both sides in this important structure.
33 minuta
5 izazova

The King's Indian Structure: Every Pawn Structure Explained

The King's Indian Defense and King's Indian Attack lead to unique and double-edged pawn structures. GM Johan Hellsten demonstrates how to fight for a win with either side.
32 minuta
5 izazova

The Stonewall Structure: Every Pawn Structure Explained

The Stonewall structure allows Black to gain space in the center at the cost of giving up a dangerous outpost on e5. GM Johan Hellsten demonstrates what to look for.
33 minuta
5 izazova

The Queenside Majority Structure: Every Pawn Structure Explained

In many openings, one side will gain a majority of pawns on the kingside while the other side has more queenside pawns. GM Johan Hellsten demonstrates the key ides.
26 minuta
5 izazova

The Queen's Indian Structure: Every Pawn Structure Explained

The Queen's Indian Defense is one of Black's most solid opening choices and it leads to some unique pawn structures. GM Johan Hellsten breaks down what you need to know.
33 minuta
5 izazova

Every Pawn Structure Explained

30 lekcija
816 minuta
150 izazova
Objavljeno 11/30/2021