
Hello! I am humblebeginnings64. I am a blogger on, a leader of a private club, a leader of a few other public clubs, and an achievement seeker. Other than that I like playing chess and variants as well as doing puzzles. I also like to play against the computers, in which I find a good challenge.

Checkmate you later!


if_code = wtdhbeuhfbh, open sesame
Choose door. The correct door is the odd one out.
You have been given another special link. Congrats! Click here for YOUR VERY SPECIAL LINK!!!!!!
Here are some of my clubs.
This next club is only for people who I know in real life, who are fans of my blogs, or who like role-play. Also for people who like Knights. Aka Horsies.
If you want to be a fan of my blog, what are you waiting for?! Start reading here. If you like it and you want to have updates on my future blogs, join the the latter club.

I know 10 things about you:

1. You are human

2. You are reading this

3. You can’t say the letter “p” without separating your lips

4. You just tried to do it

6. You are laughing at yourself 

7. You have a smile on you face and you skipped number 5

8. You checked to see if there was a number 5

9. You are laughing at yourself because everyone else fell for it

10. Now copy and paste this and see who else falls for it too

Duck Weapons Store
Duck Weapons Store 6 карыстальнікаў
Ultimate Lemonade Stand
Ultimate Lemonade Stand 4 карыстальніка
Duck Graveyard of Justice
Duck Graveyard of Justice 5 карыстальнікаў
Duck Land
Duck Land 80 карыстальнікаў
The FanWings.
The FanWings. 617 карыстальнікаў