I am a top-class computer geek, programming and coding games, webpages and software for several hours a day. Oh yeah, and then there's school, but I can sail through that (except Art, I have theories on it's invention as a method of torture). I am also writing a story called Tales of Coria. I began playing chess at about the age of 4, proudly bearing a 12-game losing streak against my Dad, then I played someone else, and discovered that winning is also possible ;) I have played in three Junior Tournaments, however did not get past the preliminary stages, and slowly became discouraged. I have recently rekindled my chess passion, and now play several games a day, learning new openings and endgames. My prefered opening involves an advancement king-side, leading to a castle, allowing for queen side pieces to be moved out. I usually come to an end game brutally, taking every piece but the king, and trapping him in a corner.
The Demonata
The Demonata 5 карыстальнікаў