Знайсці шахматны клуб

Uruguay Open
Liga de jugadores uruguayos auspiciada por la Federación Uruguaya de Ajedrez. 1) Todos los jugadores de Uruguay Open que representen a Uruguay tie...
2 430
Wings of RP
For those who like WoF and roleplay. (AND FOR THOSE WHO ARE UNHAPPY WITH THE FANWINGS)
The king's crown
  Este es un club creado para aprender y jugar torneos Debe reinar la paz, por eso queda prohibido insultar a cualquier otra persona ...
Bienvenidos al club Demonchess! Nuestra aventura juntos comienza!!  Organizaremos torneos de todo tipo e incluso habrá puzzles. Pod...
The Chess Army
A place to learn and improve while having fun. Share your wins, losses, good moves as well as horrible blunders. Let us help each other be the bes...
Hҽιɾʂ σϝ Fαɳƚαȥყ
If you are seeing this message, it means you are so special! Welcome all, to your own world built in your mind!!! It's time to bring it ...
LA LIGA DE LOS CLUBES HISPANOHABLANTES Competencias de ajedrez diario entre clubes de habla hispana. Espacio abierto, no es necesario hacerse mie...
Legend Room
Join our vibrant chess room! It's a place with camaraderie, socialness, competitivity and many more! There are lots of elections/votes/fun forums, ...
Kuwait Chess Team
Kuwait Chess Team: The official representative of The World League and The Asian League. Are you interested in learning how to play chess? Would yo...
The Bread Army
Let the breads unite  
Hello my dear friend. I would like invite you to team of Muslims. If u muslim or kindly respect to muslims, we will glad to see u in our team. May ...
TKA Chess Club 24-25
The TKA chess club
Swiss Chess Federation
Willkommen im offiziellen Chess.com-Klub des Schweizerischen Schachbundes (SSB)! (la version française suit ci-dessous) Wir möchten eine Plattform...
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Club de Ajedrez Mijail Tal
El club Mijail Tal, se inició en junio del 2021 cuando se formó la primer personería jurídica. Desde entonces el club f...
The Great Minds.
Hello, My name is Jane. I am a Super Admin for the Great Minds club. In all the clubs here at chess.com, what sets TGM apart? Off hand, I can thi...
1 087
The Official Team of Western University Open to paying members starting in September 2023 Our Website Our Facebook Our Instagram Our Discord ...
Das deutsche Team
Was man im Club machen kann: Turniere, Arena, Chat,  Live Match,Beratungsschach und Manschaft‘s Kämpfe (Täglichen Scha...
Clube Xadrez Brasil
Este é o Clube Oficial do Chess.com para o Canal Xadrez Brasil. Aqui, organizaremos torneios, estudos, Lives e será nosso ponto de encontro oficia...
6 167
Clube dos GM's
Torneio com a galera do chat   Lives no Tiktok e na twitch, mesmo nick: 0danielsouza Participe da nossa comunidade com mais de 250 enxadristas no...
1 228
This club is a part of chess cats union! But the evil kind of chess cats' union...  
World Chess Players
This is a team for all the chess players on the world who love to play chess. We play lots of team matches. We learn tactics and openings . Our aim...
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Deutsche Schachfreunde
Herzlich Willkommen bei den deutschen Schachfreunden. Jeder Schachfreund ist herzlich eingeladen beizutreten. Die Hauptsprache der Gruppe ist deuts...