(I’m am 13 ) I have discord so if you want you can add me 1ucer#7935 there . I’m a furry I’m a Protogen and I’m gay and polyamorous and I could be the most depressed person you could meat and most damaged and smart in fighting tactics and in skills. and I play Fortnite my user Haker1159 and I have Spotify proto1159 and I have a playlist for protons https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6Vw3uMVmOVTRcpvHKvRaMf?si=3IlREj9MRPK9sW5pkFfjGQ And a phsycho playlist https://open.spotify.com/playlist/00X1nEtXmlxNkRI3FUaSSe?si=6Ts_au1TTQaJyGuqEGpT5Q